Lowerplace Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Our School Day

Our School Day


The school day starts at 8:45am and again when school finishes at 3:15pm - this totals 32.5hrs per week.


On arrival, children are to go to their class line (staff will be there at 8:40 KS2/Reception and 8.45 KS1), Classes finish at 3:15.

If parents / carers are late collecting their children, they will be taken to the main office where they must be signed out by an adult. If this happens a number of times you will be sent a letter and if it continues you will be invited in for a meeting with the Head.

External gates close at 8:50 KS1, KS2 & Reception, children arriving late must come through the main entrance and be signed in at the office by an adult.


8.30 am                           Gates are open to enable children to begin to line up in their class lines

8.40 am                           Reception doors are opened 

8.40 am                          Year 4, 5 and 6 staff collect children and take them to their classes

8.45 am                          Year 1, 2 and 3 staff collect children and take them to their classes

8.50 am                           Reception gate is locked 

8.50 am                            Kingsway gate is locked 

8.50 am                           Charter Street gate is locked


11.45am – 12.30pm           Lunchtime for Reception - Year 4

12.30pm - 1.15pm             Lunchtime for Y5 & 6


3.10 pm                             School day ends for EYFS pupils

3.15 pm                             School ends for Key Stage 1 and key Stage 2 children


Senior Leaders are on duty at the start and end of each day


Please make sure your child comes to school on time we are learning from the minute your child enters the classroom

We also need children to be in every day.

Coming to school every day is the best way for your child to make progress.


Policy for dealing with children who have not been collected at the end of the school day